越野摩托车 J11

J11 is a full size bike of BOSUER dirt bike family, it is fixed with the biggest air cooled engine with BOSUER steel frame series.

  • The engine capacity is 300cc, 4-valve, air cooled, electric start. The whole bike is design for both competition and dural popurse more likely with the engine’s performance good at power and distant traval, easy maintanience. The engine is 6 speed, long range gear shifting will have more ridding feeling.
  • The plastic cover is BSE 250 version, it is designed with mutiple curve surface and dome cover together, not only has a protrude line but also pervade power scence.
  • Brake system are modified by BOSUER with MOJO logo as performance parts we apply to competition bikes, cooperate with new designed hollowed disc brakes.


引擎: CB300 4-valve engine, 4-stroke, internal balance shaft, 6-speed, electric start
框架: 带连杆的全尺寸钢制越野摩托车车架,合金摆臂
车轮: 前部 21 英寸,后部 18 英寸
暂停: 可调节的
制动系统: Mojo 制动器,前制动器 2 个活塞,后制动器 1 个活塞
围巾: 不锈钢带弹力


The BOSUER J11 is a full-size trail dirt bike featuring a powerful 300cc 4-valve air-cooled engine with electric start and 6-speed transmission, making it perfect for competition and dual-purpose adventures. Built on a durable steel frame with an alloy swing arm, it offers exceptional handling and performance. The bike includes adjustable suspension, MOJO high-performance brake systems with hollowed disc brakes, and a stainless-steel muffler with a power bomb for enhanced output. Inspired by the BSE 250 design, its bold curves and lines exude strength and style. The J11 is the ultimate trail dirt bike for power, durability, and versatility.

引擎 发动机类型 TY 300CC,4 气门,4 冲程,风冷,E 启动
缸径×行程(mm) 72*68.2毫米
表达率 9.2:1
最大功率 19.8千瓦/8500转
最大扭矩 24牛顿米/6000转
传播 6速
点火 中枢性膈疝
化油器 PWK34
链条/链轮 520-13/520-49
机壳 燃料容量 6.5升
把手 合金,胖型,Ф28.5
三重夹具 锻造合金 6061
框架 拥抱高强度成型钢管
摇臂 成型钢,刀形
暂停 前叉:54/60-930mm,回弹和压缩调节
盘式制动器 盘式制动器,盘尺寸:前轮:240mm/后轮:240mm
车轮 合金轮圈,轮圈尺寸,前轮:1.60-21/后轮:2.15-18
轮胎尺寸:前轮:80/100-21 / 后轮:100/90-18


